Choosing the essential accessories for a wine lover can be a difficult task, given the vast range on the market.
However, there is a list of items that, in our experience, are essential for adding value to the wine tasting experience.
To help you make this choice, we've put together the wine accessories we consider essential to have in your home. The proposals we've listed are organised in such a way that you can conduct a ritual, from storing the bottles to tasting them.
And at the end we've even included a suggestion that we believe would be the ideal gift for a wine lover, so read this article to the end!

Bottle holder

If you don't have the opportunity to invest in a climate-controlled wine cellar, a bottle rack is your best friend for storing the bottles you have at home.
A suitable rack helps you keep your bottles in an ideal storage and display position. It also gives you easy access to your precious collection.
Just remember to place it in a cool, well-ventilated place protected from the sun's rays.

Capsule cutter

As the name suggests, a capsule cutter is designed to cut the capsule covering the cork.
Avoid using a knife to do this. As well as being dangerous, scraping off any glass residue leaves the bottle looking unsightly.
Some quality corkscrews already have a capsule cutter built in, which is very useful when preparing to open a new bottle.

Quality corkscrews

A good corkscrew is essential for opening wine bottles easily and without damaging the cork.
Although the simplest models can do an acceptable job, it is important to ensure that the cork remains intact in the process.
For this reason, we recommend that you take no chances and choose a quality corkscrew. Take into account aspects such as ergonomics, the material of the accessory and the type of support it provides.
Depending on the type of bottle you have in your hands, there are specific corkscrews that will help you with this task. For example, blade corkscrews, which don't puncture the cork, are especially recommended for opening older bottles, such as port wines. Electric corkscrews, on the other hand, do the job for you and can be a more comfortable option.


A decanter is a specific container that allows the wine to rest for a few moments (the length of time will depend on the type of wine in question).
This process will oxygenate the wine, allowing it to open up its aromas and flavours, as well as helping to separate any natural sediments. For this reason, it's an accessory that should be included in the ritual of opening a bottle.
What's more, an elegant decanter adds a touch of sophistication when serving wine. Choose a format that allows you to do this in a controlled and consistent way.

The right glasses for each wine

Choosing the right glass for the wine you are going to taste is very important, as the shape and characteristics of the glasses will have a significant impact on the tasting.
In general, glasses for red wine should be larger and have a wide rim, so that the wine can breathe and release its aromas fully, while the alcohol evaporates quickly. White wine glasses should be slightly smaller to preserve the wine's temperature. If we're talking about Port wine, smaller glasses are the appropriate choice, as they help concentrate the aromas.
To understand in more detail which glass is best for each type of wine, (re)read this article where we share some guidelines for making the best choice. 

Tasting notebook

A tasting notebook allows you to record all the important details about each wine tasted and is a useful tool to help you realise your personal tastes and consolidate some knowledge.
For example, you can note the date of the tasting, the name of the producer and the wine's visual, aromatic and flavour characteristics. Writing down your impressions of the colour, aroma, flavour, texture and aftertaste of each wine you taste helps you develop a more refined palate and identify your personal preferences.
You can also see how the wine evolves over time, especially in the case of fortified wines, i.e. those that age well in the bottle.

Vacuum pump

If you haven't finished the bottle, using a vacuum pump will help you keep a wine after it has been opened. This accessory allows you to extract the air from the bottle and preserve the remaining wine, without altering its characteristics, for a little longer.
As promised, we'll end with a suggestion for you as a wine lover or as a gift for someone with whom you share this passion: our exclusive Douro wine kit.
The KIT KOPKE WINEMAKER'S COLLECTION - FOLGAZÃO & RABIGATO 2016 consists of an ergonomic stainless steel corkscrew with a double support and an integrated capsule cutter, as well as a flexible, washable dropstop that will help you pour the wine without spilling a drop. With these accessories, opening a bottle becomes a simpler process, so you can devote yourself to the essential: the pleasure of tasting our wines.
Don't forget to take a look at the other offers we have for you at the Uva Wine Shop.